Vi™ Awards & Achievements | About Vi™

Awards & Achievements​

Remarkable achievement with one of the world’s largest post-paid migrations

Innovation at the core Awards

Vodafone Idea was voted the Red Hat Innovator of the Year

Red Hat Innovator Award

Process Innovation: Intelligent Transport and Cost Management System - Project Rakshak

Voice&Data Telecom Leadership Forum

Marketing - “Har recharge Pe Extra”

Voice&Data Telecom Leadership Forum

VAS & Apps - Home Credit to offer 4G

Voice&Data Telecom Leadership Forum

Internet & Broadband Services - ‘Phoneline with Google Assistant’

Voice&Data Telecom Leadership Forum

Vodafone #StrongerEveryHour and Idea 4G – India ka Live Network emerged as Joint winners

Telecom and Tech Category

‘Award of Excellence’ under ‘Innovation in Robotics Process Automation’ for ‘Automating Telecom Network Processes using RPA’

Aegis Graham Bell Awards

Won gold for Brand Category - Telecom

Outdoor Advertising Convention

Won Bronze for Innovation of the Year

Outdoor Advertising Convention

Won Bronze for Best Format Innovation - Existing

Outdoor Advertising Convention

Enterprise Business Services - SMP for Mobility & IoT

Voice&Data Annual Telecom Leadership Forum

Network Infra Innovation - Smart Tracking and Infra System

Voice&Data Annual Telecom Leadership Forum

Business Process Innovation - Order Management Digital Transformation Project

Voice&Data Annual Telecom Leadership Forum

IoT - Vodafone IoT Solution

Voice&Data Annual Telecom Leadership Forum

Marketing - Filmy Recharge

Voice&Data Annual Telecom Leadership Forum

VAS & Apps - Sakhi

Voice&Data Annual Telecom Leadership Forum

Customer Service - Bill Guarantee

Voice&Data Annual Telecom Leadership Forum

Corporate Social Responsibility - RUDI Sandesh Vyavhara

Voice&Data Annual Telecom Leadership Forum

Telecom Carrier (Leased Lines - 5th consecutive year)

CIO Choice awards

Telecom Carrier (Mobile Access - 5th consecutive year)

CIO Choice awards

IoT – (2nd consecutive year)

CIO Choice awards

Cloud Telephony

CIO Choice awards

Enterprise Telecom Service Provider of the Year - SMB Segment

Frost & Sullivan India ICT Awards

Managed Enterprise Wi-Fi Provider of the Year

Frost & Sullivan India ICT Awards

Enterprise Mobile Service Provider of the Year

Frost & Sullivan India ICT Awards

Corporate Social Responsibility for being the best among Indian Telecom Companies for CSR

Golden Peacock Award

Recognised as the top 10 Most Trusted Brand in the country

Brand Trust Report by Trust Research Advisory

Recognised among the top 10 Most Admired Marketers

Brand Equity Most Loved Brands

Won 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze in APAC Effies along with Grand Effie

Brand of the Year and Marketer of the Year

Won GOLD in recognition of the PR work for the campaign “Green Goodbye”


Won Silver for “Best Use of Social Media On A Campaign”


Learning and Development in Private Sector at Mindmine Summit

BML Munjal Awards for Business Excellence

Amity Excellence Award for Customer Service Excellence Award

Inbush Era World Summit

Sustainable and Impactful CSR Project

Letter of appreciation by Gujarat State CSR Award

Won Silver for PR campaign around “Green Goodbye

PR Awards Asia Pacific

Sakhi won Black, Gold and 4 Blue Elephants awards

Kyoorius Creative Awards

Telecom Carrier (Leased Line – 4th consecutive year)

CIO choice awards

Telecom Carrier (Mobile Access – 4th consecutive year)

CIO choice awards

Internet of Things

CIO choice awards

Telecom Carrier (International Access)

CIO choice awards

2 Silver and 3 Bronze for Asha Bala, #MakeMostofNow,#LookUp and #FarmerBnB

5 awards at EFFIES